RBJ Reinforced Plastics Ltd


Reinforced Plastics


Advantages of the Pultrusion Process
1. Versatile manufacturing process to produce continuous moulding of glass fibre and carbon fibre profiles.
2. Most economic means of producing composite profiles with constant cross section similar to those produced by thermoplastic/ aluminium extrusions.
3. Pultrusions provide a structural alternative to traditional engineering materials such as the relatively weak ‘plastics’ and the stronger metals whilst retaining many properties associated with plastics.
4. Variety of glass fibre reinforcement materials used including: E glass, S glass & Carbon fibre.
5. Variety of resin matrices used including: Polyester, Vinylester, Epoxy & Acrylic.

The general benefits can be seen below. For greater detail please see our technical data sheets listed on the right.

GRP profiles:
- Lightweight
- Resistant to corrosion
- Strong and durable
- Electrical insulation properties
- Thermal insulation properties
- UV resistant
- Non toxic
- Easy installation
- Impervious to bacteriological growth
  and suitable in all climates

Typical GRP Properties (click the link)
- Unidirectional (rods & tubes up to 31.8mm)
- Cross Directional (rods & tubes over 31.8mm)
- Structural (I beams, angles, channels and box sections)

Carbon Fibre profiles:
- Higher modulus than GRP
- Lower density
- Greater stiffness and strength

Typical Carbon Properties (click the link)
- Unidirectional (vinylester)
- Pullbraided (vinylester)
- Pullwound (epoxy)


Hybrid Combinations:
- Greater mechanical properties at a lower cost compared to pure carbon reinforcement